Across the Diocese, Mission Possible is going forward in different ways and with a focus particular to the local situation. Whatever stage you are at, please come
along to the Diocesan Synod Conference (formerly known as the Pre-Synod Day) and share your story, focussing on the three questions :
What do we believe Jesus is calling us to do?
How we are sharing the vision of God’s Kingdom with each other?
How we are sharing that vision with our community?
Charges are invited to send up to four people including the lay rep. Some will be invited to make a short presentation (7 minutes maximum) and all will have
space on display boards on which to show responses to the questions and any photos . Maximum space equivalent to 2 A4 pages . Your chance to be
c reative! Please let us know if you are preparing a presentation. Full details will be coming to each charge and in the March news letter but if you have any questions,
contact Alison Clark on 01700 500489 /