
Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: (last) Session 6 – Resurrection and the spread of the Gospel

Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 5b – Jerusalem – Jesus’ last week

Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 5a – Jerusalem – the Holy City

Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 4 – Jesus’ Ministry


Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 3 – Bethlehem to Galilee


Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 2a – Historical Appendix


Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 2 – From Promised Land to Promised Messiah


Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Session 1 – In the Wilderness


Virtual Holy Land Pilgrimage: Introduction and Taster

Lay Training – Vocations Video 

Watch the video for “Vocations Sunday” held in April

Vocations 2021


Reading Scripture and Reading the Bible: an Introduction – booklets for group or personal study

Reading Scripture

Reading the Bible Introduction

Living our Vision Year 4 – Praying our Vision

Living our Vision Year 4 Participants Guide

Living our Vision Year 4 Leader’s Guide

Please contact Chris & Ros Brett, Mission Enablers (missionenablers@argyll.anglican.org) if you or your congregation would like to arrange for a facilitator to help you use this material.

The keynote speaker at the Diocesan Conference was Rev Dr Sam Wells, Vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields in London.  He provided two handouts to accompany his presentation, “Praying our Vision”, which are included in the Agenda Booklet:

Diocesan Conference Agenda Booklet 2020


Living Our Vision Year 3 – Education for Mission

Living our Vision Year 3 Participants Guide

Living our Vision Year 3 Leaders Guide

Please contact Chris & Ros Brett, Mission Enablers (missionenablers@argyll.anglican.org) if you or your congregation would like to arrange for a facilitator to help you use this material.


Led by the Lectionary:  using the Scripture of the Lectionary in our worship.

Lectionary history and structure

Using the Lectionary – Readings and Themes

The Lectionary and Intercessions

Please contact Chris & Ros Brett, Mission Enablers (missionenablers@argyll.anglican.org) if you would like to be sent the powerpoint files for these presentations.  They were created for the Lay Leadership Day on 1st June 2019.


Living Our Vision Year 2 – God’s abundance – our gratitude

Leaders’ booklet

Participants’ booklet



Building the Vision Year 5
