A full version of the 1982 Gaelic Liturgy with sound files of the liturgy by the late Alasdair MacInnes is available at the link below. The English text is shown in parallel to the Gaelic.
This resource is intended to help any who wish to learn, understand and deliver this eucharistic liturgy. The sound recordings are copyright The Gaelic Society of the Scottish Episcopal Church, reproduced by permission.
The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 received Royal Assent on the 1st June 2005. Enshrined in the Act is the aspiration that Gaelic should enjoy equal respect with the English language in Scotland.
The Diocese of Argyll and The Isles encompasses parts, or all, of the three District Councils initially chosen to spearhead the implementation of the Act – Argyll and Bute Council, The Highland Council and Western Isles Council. These Councils have all drawn up Language Plans to take forward this requirement. The diocese fully supports such initiatives.
Full 1982 liturgy in English and Gaelic with Gaelic sound files
Click here to see the text of the Gaelic Liturgy 1970
Click here to see the text of the Gaelic Liturgy 1982
Guidance on use of elements of the Gaelic Liturgy 1982 in an otherwise English language service:
Four places where Gaelic might be used with ease in the 1982 Liturgy, are :-
1 The Peace
2 The Response to Intercession Form 1
3 The Kyrie
4 Communion Song 1.
The Peace
The word for “Peace” is “sìth”, so, in exchanging a sign of peace, one could just say “sith”.
If one wished to be more adventurous then other options might be
Sìth maille ruit ~ Peace be with you or Gràs agus sìth dhut ~ Grace and Peace to you
To hear how to pronounce the Peace
The Response to Intercession Form 1
The response used in Form 1 of the Intercessions is “Father your kingdom come”. In Gaelic that becomes –
Athair, thigeadh do rìoghachd.
To hear how to pronounce the Response to Intercession Form 1,
The Kyrie
The Kyrie contains three congregational responses which are all the same – “dean tròcair oirnn”
To hear how to pronounce the Kyrie,
Communion Song 1
The congregational responses in Communion Song 1 are almost identical to those in the Kyrie – “dean tròcair oirnn” (twice) and “deonaich dhuinn sìth”
To hear how to pronounce all of Communion Song 1,
To download simple musical settings of the Kyrie and Communion Song 1, click here
To hear a simple musical setting for the Kyrie,
To hear a simple musical setting for Communion Song 1,
Give Gaelic a helping hand. Support the language by accessing the material on the websites and look for opportunities to use it. David O McEwan Lay Chaplain, St Kiaran’s, Campbeltown