The Diocesan Retreat will be held on Cumbrae from Monday, October 27th – Thursday 30th led by Bishop Kevin. The theme is The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, Her Lover – reflections on the story of Joseph and God’s chosen people in slavery, exile, freedom and the promised land…… To down load a booking form click here Grants are available to help with costs, please contact the Bishop in the first instance.
This year every congregation in the Diocese of Argyll and The Isles is involved in a whole year of Reflection for Action. We cannot share the good news of God’s Kingdom unless we reflect, experience, know and recognise God’s presence in our own lives. The ‘stories’ of scripture bring together reflection and experience, knowledge and recognition in very vivid ways which help us cope with our own experiences of slavery, exile, alienation and misunderstanding. This Retreat, will use the story of Joseph to help us recognise the peace which passes all understanding