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I can do no better than to recommend you listen to Sunday Worship of Feb 22nd.   The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent book is Rev Desmond Tutu’s ‘In God’s Hands’ and Radio 4 is following that for its Lent theme on Sunday mornings at 8.10.  This week the service from St Martin-in-the Fields focussed on the […]

Healing – restoration or transformation?

For today’s blog, I’m indebted to the Revd Lisa Eunson who shared with me a thought from a recent sermon.  The question is hers – the rest is my take on it! Is healing about more than the resumption of ‘normal service’?   When we suffer in any way -physically, mentally, emotionally, spirituality – it’s human […]

Rural ministry

Rural ministry applies to most charges in this diocese – and indeed to many in the SEC.  Even those in towns like Oban, Dunoon or Campbeltown have rural dimensions.   The Church Times has a telling piece summarising a report  ‘Released for Mission: Growing the rural Church’  from the Rural Affairs Group of the C of […]

Visit to the diocese by the Bishop of Zanzibar

Visit to the diocese by the Bishop of Zanzibar

Bishop Michael Hafidh of Zanzibar and their Diocesan Secretary General, Reverend Nuhu Sallanya, will be visiting the diocese from the 17th to the 20th of February 2015. The itinerary for the visit is: Tuesday 17th February (Shrove Tuesday) Lunchtime: Meeting the Bishop and Diocesan Officers 5.30pm Evensong in the Cathedral Evening – after service fund raising […]

Reverend Terry Taggart licensed to St Peter's Stornoway

Reverend Terry Taggart licensed to St Peter’s Stornoway

                                  Terry Taggart was licensed (23rd January 2015) as the new priest for St Peter’s Stornoway and St Moluag’s Eoropaidh. Bishop Kevin celebrated at the eucharist to start Terry’s ministry, and representatives from St Peter’s, the diocese and other […]

DIOCESAN SYNOD 2015 – Notice to Members

Notice is hereby given that the Diocesan Synod will be constituted on Tuesday 10th March 2015 at the Eucharist in St John’s Cathedral, Oban at 5.45pm.  The business meeting will begin with coffee at 9.00am on Wednesday, 11th March in the Scottish Association for Marine Science, Dunstaffnage PA37 1QA. Please note the new venue. The wording […]

My rash promise

Last week, I said I would offer my answer to ‘what keeps you following Jesus?’  That was rash!   (I notice nobody else has taken up the challenge!) The first rather simplistic answer is ‘because I promised to follow’.  This might not seem very informed; after all just because I undertake to do something doesn’t in […]