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Christmas 2013 – Services

Welcome the Christ child in Argyll and The Isles! Services for this Christmas are being held in many of the Scottish Episcopal churches of the diocese. Click here to find a list of services.

Father Simon Mackenzie licensed to Mid Argyll & Arran

Father Simon Mackenzie licensed to Mid Argyll & Arran

Simon Peter Munro Mackenzie was licensed as the priest in charge of Mid Argyll and Arran at a wonderful eucharist held on the 25th November 2013. The Right Reverend Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles, preached and celebrated at the packed service in Christ Church Lochgilphead.  Local Episcopalian and other clergy, along with […]

Bells ring out for new priest at Inveraray

Bellringers marked the licensing of Father Simon Mackenzie as new Priest in Charge of the mid-Argyll Episcopal churches by ringing a peal on All Saints, Inveraray bells on Saturday 23 November.  Father Simon was officially licensed at a service in Lochgilphead on Monday 25 November.   Ruth Marshall, Ringing Master of Inveraray bells said, “We […]

Mission Possible: summary

Alison Clark, the Learning & Development Officer, has created a summary of this year’s diocesan mission programme. Download this here or from the Resources & Links, Spiritual & Worship Resources page. Please contact Alison for more details.

A New Priest for Mid Argyll & Arran: Father Simon Mackenzie

A New Priest for Mid Argyll & Arran: Father Simon Mackenzie

The Reverend Simon Mackenzie is to be the next priest for the charges in Mid Argyll and Arran. He will be licensed by Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles on Monday, 25th November in Christ Church, Lochgilphead. Following his time at Oxford University, Father Simon worked in Glasgow. Trained at The […]

Fundraising paper

A paper, endorsed by the diocesan Standing Commitee, has been published to help vestries and congregations with local fundraising suggestions. Download the paper from this link.  Also posted in the ‘Resources’ section of the website.  

Diocesan Retreat – The Hiddenness of God”

The Diocesan Retreat will take place this year from Monday 28th October till Thursday 31st led by Bishop Brian Smith, former Bishop of Edinburgh. The idea of ‘the Hidden God’ has always been part of our religious tradition. In Isaiah we read ‘Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel.’  We encounter […]

Clergy Training held in Oban

Bishop Kevin and some of the full time clergy team met in Oban for a training event as part of the Continuing Ministerial Development (CMD).  Canon Ann Dyer, the rector of Haddington, led the group into a time of ‘Theological Reflection’ on Lent, Holy Week and Easter, followed by an exploration of the first two […]

Bishop’s Lent Appeal

This year, the Diocese is raising funds to sponsor the secondary education of two girls in the developing world in line with Millennium Goal 3 (Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women). Please send your collection to the Diocesan Office as soon as possible. Further information is available from the Diocesan Office.

Canons installed in the Cathedral of The Isles, Cumbrae

The Very Rev Andrew Swift, Dean, and Very Rev Nicki McNelly, Provost of Oban Cathedral, were installed as Canons of the Cathedral of The Isles in Cumbrae.  The Rt Rev Kevin Pearson, Bishop of Argyll and The Isles, installed the new canons at a packed sung eucharist.  The Rt Rev Dr Idris Jones, retired primus […]